That's a motto here at Rustic Dawn and as 2025 approaches lets have a look at whats in store for the coming year.
RD SVEN cria are due very shortly and we couldn't be more excited. The family line continues to produce exceptionally well and being the best of them, we can't wait for his progeny to arrive.
Our juniors from last year went well without setting the world on fire. However, our stock continually improve as they age so we look forward to what they can do as intermediates. My pick is RD Hawaii who really has a merino-like fleece and was tested at 14.1 micron and 2.8 sd (SGS). Others to watch out for are RD Blondie, RD Antonia, RD Smokin Bandit, and RD Hermes to name but a few.
Our well performed roan girl RD Tropical Storm joins our female breeding ranks while we will do a few trial tests on RNZ Maximus who while not a show alpaca, is extremely well related and holds impressive fleece stats with micron of 16.0/15.6/17.5 through his first 3 fleeces. We will look to incorporate his positive traits into our overall alpaca breeding plan.